
"Taking a Bite Out of Jurassic Age
T1 Dedicated Line Pricing"
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2006 Article Post List for the Telexplainer
A map of content on the Telecom Explainer, organized by month posted

December, 2006
Why Buy Telecommunications Services Online?
Advantages of Server Colocation and Collocation Services
B2B Telecommunications and IT Trends for 2007
Telecommunications and IT Trends for 2007
Fossil Bluetooth Caller-ID Watch Tells Who's Calling
Dedicated T3 Internet Access For Business
Are Your Old T1 Lines Bleeding Money?
IP Video as Bandwidth's Killer App
Shared Internet Service for Apartment Buildings
Building a Toll Free Virtual Office
OC-192 Network vs 10GigE WAN
Why Managed Network Security?
FAX to Email Service for Mobile Workers

November, 2006
Integrated T1 Service Ideal for SMBs
Online Team Collaboration Bandwidth Challenges and Solutions
Cingular BlackJack i607 is a Winning Handheld
Gigabit Bonding Comes of Age
Carrier Ethernet Services Expand The LAN
Sprint Gets The Motorola RAZR V3m Gray Razor Phone

October, 2006
Vanity Numbers for Small Businesses
Digital Signage Networking
Voicemail Service for 800 Numbers
Sprint's EV-DO Rev A Speeds Wireless Broadband
Cheap Internet Service is a Business Liability
Health Care Robots Beam Doctors to Hospitals
Motorola RAZR V3 Gray with myFaves for T-Mobile
PBX T1 PRI vs VoIP T1 Service
Nokia E62 Thin Mobile Productivity Device
XO Communications Braces For Optical Bandwidth Rush
Become a VAR Partner to Enhance Your Technology Business
Motorola KRZR K1m Krazor Next Generation RAZR
Nokia's Wibree vs Bluetooth as PAN of Choice
Shut Up That Screaming Cell Phone!

September, 2006
What Would You Do With 672 Phone Lines?
How Network Consultants Make Money
Motorola RAZR V3m Charcoal Razor Phone
Multiple T1 Line Networks
Samsung D807 Slim Slider for Cingular
BlackBerry Pearl is a Wireless Gem
Palm Treo 700p vs 700w Smartphone Comparison
A Thousand VARs Can't Be Wrong

August, 2006
WiFi 802.11n is Leaving The Station
T1 Lines to Support Enterprise VoIP
Avaya IP Office is a Versatile SMB Phone System
Motorola i850 for Nextel Helps You Collaborate
EV-DO Expands In The Face of WiMAX
WiMAX 4G Wireless is Off and Running With Sprint Nextel
Samsung A990 3.2 Megapixel Phone Camera
LG Chocolate Phone is a Sweet Slider
Nokia 9300 Sleek Smartphone for Mobile Professionals

July, 2006
How to Find Network Equipment Deals
BlackBerry Summer Time Special Bonus
Katana Gives Sanyo the Cutting Edge
Lease a T1 Line For a Song
BlackBerry 7130c Offers High Speed on Cingular Wireless
Motorola i580 Rugged High Tech Phone
We Don't Need No Stinking PBX
Motorola RAZR V3m Silver Music Phone

June, 2006
There's Gold In Them Thar Cell Phones
Sprint Wireless Data Roaming in Canada and Mexico
Crows Sabotaging Japan's Fiber Optic Infrastructure
Verizon FiOS Finally Brings Fiber to the Home
Nokia 63051 VCAST Slider Phone for Verizon
Palm Treo 700p 3G Smartphone
Motorola Q is a RAZR Thin QWERTY Phone
New Networking Equipment and PBX Marketplace

May, 2006
LG CU320 Video and Music Cell Phone
Sprint PPC 6700 Converged Smart Wireless Device
Did You Really Erase That Data?
Samsung A900 Blade Special Savings Offer
Lower Up Front Prices for Cingular Motorola RAZR Razor Phones
Cellular Broadband is Mobile and Reliable
When Cheap Broadband Becomes Too Expensive
Samsung ZX10 Offers Megapixel Camera and MP3 Player
T-Mobile MDA Messaging Machine

April, 2006
Ready For The Next Telecom Boom?
We're Looking for Telecom Value Added Resellers
LG CG300 Cingular Walkie Talkie Phone
Health Care Automation Bandwidth
Motorola RAZR V3 Magenta for T-Mobile Special
Audiovox 8912 With Free Printer Special

Motorola i870 Nextel Video Phone Special
T-Mobile SDA is One Smart Digital Assistant
iTuth Technology Puts Music In Your Head

March, 2006
Cingular Wireless Broadband Internet Access
Dynamic T1 Lines offer Voice and Data Integration
Verizon's Wireless Broadband Service To Go
Sprint PCS Vision Offers Wireless Broadband Connections
T1 Lines For Wireless Internet Service Providers
RIM BlackBerry 7100i For Nextel Special
Lawsuit Over. Get Your Free BlackBerry PDA
Cingular 8125 Pocket PC With Rebate

February, 2006
Cingular 2125 Multimedia Phone Deal
Managed IP Services Becoming The Network Strategy in Demand
Samsung MM-A880 Multimedia Phone Special
All RAZRs Pink, Black, Silver and Grey
Cellular Internet Challenges DSL and Cable
Sony Ericsson GC89 Cellular Aircard Special
Get Two Free Samsung A950 Cell Phones
Samsung A970 Two Megapixel Camera Phone Deal
Samsung T809 Review and Deal
Servers as Steam Engines
Cellular Service Goes Up, Up and Away
Pigeons With Camera Phones. Is Anyone Safe?
Sony Ericsson Z520a with Bluetooth Headset Free Deal
Pink Razor Cell Phone at a Discount

January, 2006
Rockford, Illinois Goes Wireless Broadband
Samsung D357 For Cingular Push to Talk
PalmOne Treo 700w Special Discount Offer
Samsung MM-A920 Special Discount Package
LG VX9800 Multimedia Phone Bluetooth Bonus


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You are likely paying too much money and getting too little bandwidth on your old T1 line contract. Get a competitive quote for upgrade service now, including high bandwidth solutions such as SD-WAN and Managed SDN Software Defined Networking, DOCSIS 3.1 Gigabit Cable Broadband, Carrier Ethernet and MPLS network services from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps, with 100 Gbps available in some areas. Find out in seconds what network services and pricing are available now for your commercial business building anywhere in the U.S. Simply use this handy form...


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