
"Taking a Bite Out of Jurassic Age
T1 Dedicated Line Pricing"
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2008 Article Post List for the Telexplainer
A map of the most recent content on the Telecom Explainer, organized by month posted.

December, 2008
Tech Upheavals in 2009
TW Telecom's Extensive Service Portfolio
Get a Consumer Advocate On Your Side
Cell Phones Piling Up?
Merry Christmas From T1 Rex
Low Cost 800 Numbers Are Here
T1 Bonding Buys Breathing Room
Delving Into Alltel's Delve
Phoneless in a Strange Land
Tripping the LTE Fantastic
Why, Oh Why, PRI?
What is a Cloned Phone Line?
From Here to Samsung Eternity
Fast Ethernet as a DS3 Upgrade
VoIP Comparison Shopping
Supplement Your Income
Free International Phone Calls
Samsung Omnia Smartphone for Smart People
Amazon's CloudFront Moves In for Content Delivery
Fiber Optic Bandwidth Options
More Bandwidth, Less Money
Kinoma Mobile Media Tools

November, 2008
Colocation Leverages Your IT Staff
The BlackBerry Storm Just Blew In at a Lower Price
Your Next Battery Is a Capacitor
Research Your Cell Phone Online
Cable vs FTTH Bandwidth Throwdown
The LG Lotus is Square to Be Hip
Cisco's New Terabit Monster Router
BlackBerry Shows its Curve in Pink
I Heard What You Wrote Last Summer
Who Needs A T1 Line at Home?
The Surprising Low Cost Phone Option
Find Metro Ethernet
LG enV2 Sparks Envy Too
Just the Tech Jobs, Please
Private Branch Exchange Connections
Adam Edwards Interview Part II
My Store is Solid, Solid Like a Cactus

October, 2008
Mobile Broadband Faster Than Optical?
Free Telecom Consulting Service
XOHM, XOHM's Got The Range
Cisco's Virtual Teleportation Replaces Airports
Of Course Elephants Text
The Painless Way to Find Network Technicians
Get Your Business Bandwidth Free
Cheapest T1 On The Block
WAN Connection Strategies
Making Money With Other People's Cell Phones
Dirt Cheap Toll Free Numbers
MegaPath Beefs Up Last Mile Access
Scrambling For Business Leads
Microsoft is a Phone Company?
G.ho.st as the Machine
T1 Line as an On Ramp
Ethernet vs SONET Throw Down
Integrated T1 Gives You Phone and Internet
Times Are Tough, Cell Phones Are Free
Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Elephants Phone
Eliminating the WAN Choke Point
MPLS Network Magic in the Cloud

September, 2008
T1 Lease Costs Reduced Again
Vote MPLS & Ethernet for Better Bandwidth
Would You Eat This Cell Phone?
Virtual Office Hosted Telecommunications at Half Price
No Business DSL? Go Wireless
How Many T1 Lines Do You Need?
iTelecenter Boosts Real Estate Agent Income
Phone Power... To The People
Use a Telecom Broker Before You Go Broker
Ethernet Cuts Costs, Expands Bandwidth
Voice and Data Bandwidth for Hospitals
Laptop Too Big? Try a Tablet
Verizon Goes After Blue Collar Cell Phones
Last Mile Connections That Make Sense
No Company For Old Ideas
The Cheaper T1 Line is a T1 Line
Your Business Website is $7
GoPhones For Hurricane Gustav
Audio Interview With Adam Edwards
GigE Gives OC48 a Run For The Money
MPLS Networks for Enterprise VoIP

August, 2008
Keith and Bill-O on the Small Screen
Shop For DSL and Other Broadband Options Easily
Visible Means of IT Support
White Spaces Debate Outs Wireless Mics
DS1 Telephone Service Lowers Business Phone Bills
Marco, it's Polo on Your Mobile
Iomega Zips Into Network Storage
Ethernet Bandwidth Gets Incrementally Finer
Have SIM, Will Travel
There Will Be Fiber
Internet to Soothe the Savage Flyer
Smoothstone IP Communications offers Polished VoIP
1&1 makes 1.99
XO Offering Ethernet to the World
What Becomes Of The Broken Hardware?
Recycling the Old Mac
Ignore That PBX Behind the Curtain
A Vu to an iPhone Kill
The VoSKY is the Limit
Chumby Kicks the Clock Radio to the Curb
Net10 Goes All You Can Eat

July, 2008
I'm Sorry, Dave. I Can't Let You Use That Channel
Bricks and Mortar Apocolypse, Now?
It's 10:00. Do You Know Where Your Website is?
Got a Bandwidth Jones
Don't Layoff Employees, Evict Them
Cut Telecom Line Expenses, Not Lines
Steppin' Out With My Ethernet
T1 Voice Options for Call Quality
MPLS Just Got Easier
Is The World Going on a High Fiber Diet?
Holy Guacamole, It's Green Hosting
I Know Where You Took Your Pictures Last Summer
Drowning in a Sea of Cell Phones
Dude, Where's My Site?
T1 Phone Lines Offer More For Less
Drobo Mr. Storage Roboto
Is Broadband the Next Oil?
Bandwidth Windfall
Workaholic and Proud of IT
Bandwidth Multiplication to the Rescue
First in Windmills, First in WiMAX

June, 2008
More Mbps, Less Money
Empire Building With Text Messages
Aggressive Passive Optical Networking
Medicine in the White Spaces
DOCSIS 3.0 Fiberizes Cable Broadband
Moving On Up To The Fast Side
100 GigE in the Long Run
Philly Stake With WiFi...Mmm
Aktino Sends 90 Mbps Down Copper Line
Recycle Your Old iPhone For Cash
The Marauding Elephant Network
Many Wavelengths to Serve You
Agony of the Cell Phone Shopper
iPhone Getting its Video in a Sling
I Shall Call It Cellular Mini-Me
How the ZAC Browser Helps Autistic Kids
Unlimited Internet's Days are Numbered
New Things BREWing in Wireless
Fight For Your Right to Broadband
Tired of Flaky Internet Connections?

May, 2008
BlackBerry Fun and Games
What Makes a Great MAN
HSUPA Joins HSDPA for Cellular Broadband
Quick Way to Cut the Corporate Phone Bill
Is Municipal WiFi On The Way Out?
Goodbye Frame Relay, Hello MPLS
The Clever D Block Initiative
Staying Out of the Clouds
Landlines Flourish in Business
Lonliness of the Long Distance Landline
Metro Ethernet Tipping Point
What Can GigE Bandwidth Do For You?
BlackBerry's Bold Move to HSDPA
Fixed Wireless for Point of Sale Authorizations
Do You Build Wide Area Networks?
Where Have All The IPs Gone?
Why GHz is So Last Century
Smart Grids Picking the Bones of BPL
The Ethernet Next Door
Is LTE too LATE?
Fiber to the Boonies

April, 2008
How Technology Enables The 4-Hour Workweek
Why Video is Moving to H.264
Point to Point With T1, VPN, MPLS, Ethernet
Hey, Look, More Spectrum!
Tricks That T1 Lines Do
Telepresence as a Service
Save the Cell Phone, Save the World
Why Alternative Energy Makes Sense for Technology Companies
Cure The Bulging T1 Line
Getting Cavalier About Ethernet
Sipping on the Trunk Lines
WAN Transparency Via Ethernet
WiFi in a Memory Card
You're Not Paying For Business Cards?
Backhaul is Backing Things Up
Keep Your Receipts Neat Electronically
Converting From Regular Phone Lines to T1
Media Flos to Mobile TV
Contract Expiration Means Opportunity
I, Router

March, 2008
Dial-Up is Alive and Kicking
Thirty Carriers, No Waiting
Looking For Spectrum In All The White Spaces
Will WiMAX Become WiMedium?
DS3 Over Copper Avoids Fiber Installation
Novatel's Brilliant Mobile In-Ovation
FAX On The Run
Will Video Kill The Internet Star?
Do You Need a Content Delivery Network?
Business Advantage of a T1 Line
IT Departments are Wearin' the Green
Fleet Management on the Web
To VoIP or Not to VoIP
So, You Want to Do Web Hosting
How Many POTS Lines in a Trunk?
Gigabit Connection Services
How Sprint Gives You Simply Everything
How Broadband Bonding is Mushrooming
Advantages of Storage as a Service
Metro Ethernet For Your Business
Bandwidth Deals for MSPs

February, 2008
Where Wireless Device Are Free
Signaling for Call Centers
Expand Your Telecom Services Line Card
Burstable Bandwidth Offers Flexibility
Ethernet Domination
Your Own Webinars Made Easy
Do You Need a Business Cloud?
Easy Convergence for Small Businesses
How Bandwidth Fosters Productivity Improvement
Green Solution For Old Cell Phones
Your Cell Phone IS Your Business Phone System
VoIP Without The Internet
Winter Of Our Disconnect
Why Ethernet is Cheaper
Virtual Concatenation for Ethernet Transport
Take Your Office PC With You
Data Center Services For You
Branching Out With MPLS and VPN
Negotiating T1 Line Prices
Is WiMAX Worth the Wait?
IP Network Cameras for Security

January, 2008
Contact Center Telecom Service Savings
New Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Eyes SaaS and Video
Pair-Bonding Expands Business Bandwidth
Buy Convergence By The Byte
Telephone Installers Business Networking
Why You Need Dedicated Bandwidth
What Real Estate Developers Need to Know About Ethernet
Toshiba Strata CIX Does SIP Trunking
DS3 Services Proliferate
Fiber Optic Cable Gets Limber
HughesNet Special Deals on Satellite Broadband
Cut Your Telecommunications Costs 50%?
Voice and Data for Multiple Dwelling Units
One Communications Offers Business and Carrier Services
Motorola RAZR Black Magic
Moving from DS3 to Fast Ethernet
ISDN's Primary Rate Interface


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Please contact me at John (at) T1Rex.com. Visit JohnShepler.com
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